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Our blog, written and compiled by Paul Every, provides captivating narratives, expert viewpoints, and valuable knowledge. All desgined to help you develop and expand your project management knowledge.
How to Deal with Project Overload
Do you find yourself suffering from ‘project overload’, trying to manage too many conflicting priorities? Do you have to keep multiple…
The Hidden Costs of Poor Project Health
Why Project Assurance Matters In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, transformation projects and programmes, particularly digital led, are no longer optional…
Balancing Efficiency and Security in Technology Transformation
Learning from the DOGE Experiment A recent FinTech Weekly article highlights one of the most ambitious technology transformation initiatives in U.S.…
The Project Management Triangle
Maintaining Balance in Complex Change Projects When you look at the Assurify Consulting logo, you’ll notice its triangular design – three…
Project Assurance: Your Strategic Defence Against Project Failure
In today’s complex business landscape, where organisational success increasingly depends on the effective delivery of transformational projects and programmes, Project Assurance…
When is a project not a project
When it is a Programme or a Porfolio! The terms project, programme and portfolio are often used inconsistently with different organisations…